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Voices of DePoly: Employee Spotlight - Joanna Gorzedowska

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Welcome to the second episode of "Voices of DePoly"! In this series, we unveil the stories behind the faces driving innovation at DePoly. Ever wanted to know how it feels to be part of the team, daily routines and what got them to join DePoly in the first place? For this second episode, we are excited to introduce Joanna Gorzedowska – Head of IT, as she takes us on a journey through her role, what motivated her to join the team, and especially, travelling across Europe to do so!

Who are you, and what is your background?

My name is Joanna, and I am originally from Poland. I’m the Head of IT at DePoly—but that has not always been the case!
By education, I specialize in physics. Professionally, I have focused on marketing and communications for the past 10 years, before transitioning into IT. Prior to joining DePoly, I worked as a Marketing Manager for Mail Boxes Etc. Poland, part of MBE Worldwide Group, taking an active role in local and global projects.

How did you hear about DePoly?

I found out about DePoly via LinkedIn, and I got in touch with Sam Anderson to discuss the job opportunity one foggy day in November 2021. The company was growing and looking for a person to oversee the marketing activities and join the team.
Long story short: a few months later, after a bunch of virtual meetings with co-founders and the entire team (hello, pandemic!), I actually packed my bags, my cats, and moved across the continent to join DePoly, and… I would totally do that again!

How long have you been with DePoly?

In April 2024, I officially started my third year at DePoly. We’ve achieved so much together over this time, and I am totally looking forward to the next steps and challenges!

As mentioned before, I started as Head of Marketing, Communications, and PR. When I decided to move toward the IT side of operations, I was offered a career transition within the company–and I cannot stress enough how much that changed my life.
Working in a place that supports who you really are and where you want to go is absolutely priceless.

What do you do on a daily basis? What does a day in your shoes look like?

I support the team in many projects by implementing, optimizing, and utilizing a variety of tools so they can focus on their parts of our operations. From being a point of contact for external suppliers, through internal onboarding, and all the way down to technical support for various projects across all our departments.

What do you like about your job? For example specific tasks or projects

It might seem cliché, but... each day brings something new here, and I genuinely love it! My role allows me to contribute to projects spanning various departments, from HR and Administration to R&D, Engineering, Business, and Marketing. It is a fantastic opportunity to participate in different DePoly operations, and the job never gets mundane or boring.

Beyond the tasks themselves, what truly resonates with me about my day-to-day job is the commitment of the entire team and the real teamwork I experience here, including the availability and real support of the management. 

What bring you motivation in your activities?

For me, it is definitely DePoly's vision. One can lose the feeling of real impact among small and bigger daily tasks, but at the end of the day, knowing that what I do is supporting DePoly’s recycling revolution is my driver—and it works better than coffee (disclaimer: for a coffee freak, it is a powerful statement)! That, and the sense of belonging—I feel strongly connected to #TeamDePoly, and I appreciate the chance to cooperate with brilliant minds from all over the world.

Last but not least, it was and still is an exciting journey to be back in the science world and even wear a lab coat from time to time!

How do you feel what you do at DePoly contributes to a more sustainable future?

My daily job involves facilitating various projects and initiatives that contribute to the further development of DePoly technology and facilities. Behind the scenes, I support the company's mission to establish a truly circular and sustainable economy for plastics.

Any advice for potential future DePoly employees?

Joining a start-up (turning into a scale-up) is a unique opportunity. You are part of a relatively small team, and you get to experience different tasks and projects. The growth is fast and can be bumpy at times! It definitely requires a lot of dedication and the ability to work both independently and as part of a project group. In return, there is room for your opinion, and you can actively contribute to the company's overall development.
Advice? Be confident in what you do, keep an open mind, be proactive, and… get to know your teammates!

What would you tell your younger self from 3 years ago, knowing what you know today?

I would say uproot your life as many times as necessary until you feel comfortable and fulfilled with what you do and where you do it. Move across the globe, redefine your career path, and don’t look back–it is absolutely worth it! The real lesson was that once you know what you want and you dare to communicate that, and if the right people surround you, you can get nearly anywhere. But you got to take the first step!

I would also add: don’t worry, the pandemic reality won’t stick forever, so dream, plan, and eventually, you will be able to do it!

Catégorie / Team
Publié / June 20, 2024
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